The story of my journey to a healthy relationship with supportive food
The high strangeness that shaped my diet in 2008.
Why I started eating raw vegan in 2023
My experience with and how I did a 14 day juice fast to reset my microbiome and allow my intestines to start absorbing nutrients again
What I've discovered so far with Vata doshas, O blood types and Human Design PHS systems and raw vegan lifestyles
My detox experience, which takes up to 2 years, thus far.
5 months in update: Detox comes in waves.
I seem to be experiencing all of my injuries and illnesses in a micro-reverse.
Digestion is easy and then experiences some hiccups.
Acne, which I received daily antibiotics for as a teenager for years, is finally simmering down after some intentional rerouting its expression.
A compilation of videos I've found supportive to expand my awareness of what is possible:
Raw Vegan Body Builder who doesn't even take supplements
Lou Corona has been raw vegan for over 50 years, interview by Gillian Berry
John Kohler invites expansive thinking rather than dogmatic with why raw vegan works and why he includes certain cooked foods for his health
If you'd appreciate a large supportive community to help you transition your mindset and belief system around food, this is the gathering of like minded beings I joined.